It’s getting close to race day and the nerves are starting to kick in! Most of your hard work will be in the bag by now and in order to maximise your performance, it’s important to take care of the little things that are going to make a big difference. Here are some checklist items to tick off and help you along your way.
Hydration is key!
Ensure you are well hydrated in the days leading up to the event and before the start of the race! Even in a cooler climate, it’s important to have a hydration strategy in place. Drink little and often before and during the race to ensure you are hydrated.
Plan ahead!
Make sure you’ve planned your journey to and from the event. There is usually an early start on race day, so make sure you get there on time ready to #Runelli. Don’t forget to plan your journey away from the event too.

No number, no result!
Leading up to race week runner’s bibs will have been sent out to the majority of those signed up (there may be a few of you who may need to collect in-person). Make sure you don’t leave the house on race day without your bib, if you’re not wearing your race number during the event, you won’t receive a result. Handy tip…pin your bib to your t-shirt the night before the event you leave or put it somewhere you won’t miss it! If you lose or forget your race number, don’t panic!! There’ll be a limited number of spares available at the Information Point on the day.
Are you kit-ready?
Have you tried and tested your race day kit? You don’t want to be trying new kit out on the day! If there is any running race day rule – it’s stick to what you know and don’t try anything new!! Don’t fall into the trap of saving it until the race day or you may find it’s uncomfortable and not worn in properly. Comfort is key when running a half marathon so test your kit out before the race day and make sure everything fits comfortably. You also need to prepare for all weather conditions. You don’t want to be too warm or cold during your run so have several options to choose from and judge things, on the morning of the race.
Fuel pre, during and post run
Have you planned your nutrition and hydration for the days leading up to and the morning of the run? If you have used gels on your longer runs, continue to do as you’ve done in your training, but don’t try anything you’re not used to. It’s useful to bring snacks to replenish your glycogen stores post-race too as your levels will have depleted during the race. A quick protein bar or recovery shake will do the trick.
Ensure you are well prepared leading up to race day and have planned well.
Enjoy the build-up and embrace the experience, but don’t forget that checklist!
Running a half marathon is an incredible experience and you want to make sure you have everything in place to enjoy it. ☺️
Good luck!