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How To Keep Fit & Safe Stay This Winter

Despite the colder climate and shorter days, keeping up training throughout the Winter can improve your health and give you the boost of energy you may need. But staying safe and being careful is a must for runners during the darker months! To help, we’ve put together a few tips for you: We want to hear

Race Day Preparation

If this isn’t your first event you will know from experience that preparing for a running event involves months of training, mental preparation, and the need for organisation.  With the Llanelli Half Marathon just around the corner, you’re likely to feel slightly apprehensive, regardless of how many events you’ve taken part in! So, we’ve come up with some

Race Day Game Plan

Do you have one?  Having a plan on how you will tackle those miles on race day is always a good idea! That’s why we’ve come up with some tactics to help you #BeYourBest as you take on the Llanelli Half Marathon this September! 1. Pace Yourself: Start the race at a comfortable pace that you can sustain


What is a half marathon taper? Tapering for a half marathon occurs in the final weeks leading up to the race. This is when you should start to reduce the miles and allow your body to have some rest. It is important you allow this rest but try not to lose the training fitness you’ve

Running For A Sustainable Future!

This year, our event is going greener than ever before by reducing our carbon footprint and minimising the environmental impact of our events. Over a number of years, several trials have been undertaken to remove all unnecessary waste and plastic, which has resulted in considerable reductions and improvements. The goal has been to go a

Ways To Prevent Injuries

On the lead-up to any race, it becomes more important to prevent injuries whilst in training. After all, you don’t want to hinder your training plans or worse still, all your hard work going to waste! To help you stay in shape and injury-free when running read our tips below: 1. Start slow: Avoid doing too much too

Top Tips To Keep Running This Summer

Staying motivated during the Summer can be difficult when the temperatures rise or you’re away on holiday, so we’ve come up with some top tips to help you remain on track! Running in the heat Whether you’re out for the occasional run, training for an event or it’s race day, it’s important that you’re looking after

Support for women at Front Runner Events

Here at Front Runner Events, we always aim to make our events as inclusive as possible for all participants. Following the race guidelines outlined on SheRACES, we’ve made some adjustments to ensure our events are as female friendly as possible. Deferrals Pregnant or postpartum participants can defer their place into the same event – should they

Nutrition Tips For The Festive Period

We all over-indulge at Christmas and why not?! We all train hard enough, so we deserve a little break once a year. So, whether you are continuing your training or planning to start in the New Year, we have come up with a few simple Healthy Eating Tips to help you during the festive period.

Running on a high

The M&D Care Llanelli Half Marathon returned with a bang today! With over 1,000 participants signed up, the runners went all-out to beat their previous record. Everyone seemed to be running on a high this year with hundreds managing to achieve their personal bests. Participants took to the route on closed roads, in what was considered perfect