Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as Amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions Act) 1991
Carmarthenshire County Council hereby gives notice that no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along that length of road known as A484, from its junction with Yspitty Roundabout for a distance of 1 ¼ mile in a north-westerly direction and the B4304, from its junction with Yspitty Roundabout to its junction with Morfa Roundabout, a distance of 1 ½ mile.
The closure is required for Llanelli Half Marathon to take place from 09:00 hours to 14:30 hours Sunday 31st October, 2021.
The alternative route for east bound traffic will be to proceed in a northerly direction along the B4304 Trostre Road to its junction with the roundabout, take the first exit and continue in a northerly direction to its junction with New Dock Roundabout. At the roundabout, take the second exit and continue in north-easterly direction to its junction with Trostre Roundabout. At the roundabout, take the third exit and continue in a south-easterly direction along A484 to its junction with the roundabout. At the roundabout , take the second exit to return to point west of the closure.
The alternative route for west bound traffic will be to proceed in a south-easterly direction along the A484 to its junction with Yspitty Roundabout. At Yspitty Roundabout, take the first exit and continue in a north-westerly direction along the B4297 to its junction with the A4138. Turn left at the traffic lights and continue in a southerly direction along the A4138 to its junction with Trostre Roundabout. At Trostre Roundabout, take the first exit and continue in an easterly direction to its junction with the Roundabout, take the second exit to return to a point east of the closure.
Pedestrian movement to individual properties will be maintained where possible throughout the duration of the closure.
Carmarthenshire County Council hereby gives notice that no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along that length of road known as Traeth Ffordd, North Dock from a point 80 metres west of its junction with Lliedi Roundabout for a total distance of 140 metres.
The closure is necessary for the Llanelli Half Marathon to take place from 09:00 hours to 14:30 hours Sunday 31st October, 2021.
The alternative route for east bound traffic will be to proceed in a northerly to south-easterly direction along Traeth Ffordd to return to a point east of the closure. Vice Versa for west bound traffic
Pedestrian movement to individual properties will be maintained where possible throughout the duration of the closure.

Deddf Rheoleiddio Traffig Ffyrdd 1984, fel y’i diwygiwyd gan Ddeddf Traffig Ffyrdd (Cyfyngiadau Dros Dro) 1991
Mae Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin yn hysbysu trwy hyn na chaniateir i neb achosi i unrhyw gerbyd deithio ar hyd y darn ffordd a adwaenir yr A484 dros dro o’r gyffordd â chylchfan Yspitty am bellter o 1¼ milltir i gyfeiriad y gogledd-orllewin a’r B4304 o’r gyffordd â chylchfan Yspitty hyd at y gyffordd â chylchfan y Morfa am bellter o 1½ milltir.
Mae angen cau’r ffordd er mwyn cynnal Hanner Marathon Llanelli rhwng 09:00 a 14:30 ddydd Sul, 31 o Hydref, 2021.
Y ffordd arall i draffig sy’n teithio i gyfeiriad y dwyrain fydd teithio i gyfeiriad y gogledd ar hyd y B4304, Heol Trostre, hyd at y gyffordd â’r gylchfan, defnyddio’r allanfa gyntaf a theithio i gyfeiriad y gogledd hyd at y gyffordd â chylchfan y Doc Newydd. Wrth y gylchfan, defnyddio’r ail allanfa a theithio i gyfeiriad y gogledd-ddwyrain hyd at y gyffordd â chylchfan Trostre. Wrth y gylchfan, defnyddio’r drydedd allanfa a theithio i gyfeiriad y de-ddwyrain ar hyd yr A484 hyd at y gyffordd â’r gylchfan. Wrth y gylchfan, defnyddio’r ail allanfa er mwyn dychwelyd i fan sydd i’r gorllewin o’r man lle mae’r ffordd ar gau.
Y ffordd arall i draffig sydd am deithio i gyfeiriad y gorllewin fydd teithio i gyfeiriad y de-ddwyrain ar hyd yr A484 hyd at y gyffordd â chylchfan Yspitty. Wrth gylchfan Yspitty, defnyddio’r allanfa gyntaf a pharhau i deithio i gyfeiriad y gogledd-orllewin ar hyd y B4297 hyd at y gyffordd â’r A4138. Troi i’r chwith wrth y goleuadau traffig a pharhau i deithio i gyfeiriad y de ar hyd yr A4138 hyd at y gyffordd â chylchfan Trostre. Wrth gylchfan Trostre, defnyddio’r allanfa gyntaf a pharhau i deithio i gyfeiriad y dwyrain hyd at y gyffordd â’r gylchfan, defnyddio’r ail allanfa er mwyn dychwelyd i fan sydd i’r dwyrain o’r man lle mae’r ffordd ar gau.
Lle bo’n bosibl caniateir i gerddwyr gael mynediad i eiddo unigol drwy gydol y cyfnod y bydd y ffordd ar gau.
Mae Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin yn hysbysu trwy hyn na chaniateir i neb achosi i unrhyw gerbyd deithio ar hyd y darn ffordd a adwaenir Draeth Ffordd, Doc y Gogledd o bwynt 80 metr i’r gorllewin o’r gyffordd â Chylchfan Lliedi am bellter o 140 metr.
Mae angen cau’r ffordd ar gyfer Hanner Marathon Llanelli sydd i’w cynnal rhwng 09:00 a 14:30 ddydd Sul 31 o Hydref, 2021.
Y ffordd arall ar gyfer traffig sydd am deithio tua’r dwyrain fydd mynd i gyfeiriad y gogledd tua’r de-ddwyrain ar hyd Traeth Ffordd er mwyn dychwelyd i fan sydd i’r dwyrain o’r man lle mae’r ffordd ynghau. I’r gwrthwyneb ar gyfer traffig sy’n teithio tua’r gorllewin
Lle bo’n bosibl caniateir i gerddwyr gael mynediad i eiddo unigol drwy gydol y cyfnod y bydd y ffordd ar gau.